Corruption Of Champions - Wrath of the Lich King Game Review

It's been awhile since I played the original Champions Online game and had the opportunity to review the latest release Champions Online: Wrath of the Lich King (HoL). This is my first online game of this type and I'm looking forward to playing more as the weeks go by. As with any type of online game there are going to be bugs, glitches and problems. I've played many games with many problems in the past and I am glad I waited to try out HoL.
Corruption of Champions is not only a good game but also fun to play. With a text-based game you can write more compelling and exciting story and your story better be rated higher if your story is well written. In this game, there is an ancient village called Innglam which is falling on difficult times due to the evil Lich King. Your quest is to find the missing champions who were either killed or banished by him. The map of this game is much like a typical text-based MMORPG with different areas, quests, monsters and items.
The game starts with a storyline about corrupting corruption in the world. You begin to experience your quest after completing the first step of your quest line. Once you complete all the steps of your quests, you can move on to the next level and more quests. As you progress through the game you unlock more of the features of the game and you can also take on the game's challenges as you advance further through the game.
Most of your main quests are going to involve fighting and leveling up. When you fight enemies you can level up your character and gain new abilities. You can also purchase a variety of different armor pieces that allow you to perform different actions in the combat. After you finish a game you will be able to access the next one and so on.
The game's graphics are quite unique and it's amazing how the designers managed to keep the look of this game and characters consistent with other games in the genre. The characters seem to have more life in them than most games in this genre. You'll notice that each character has their own personality and you can tell which ones you are playing in the same way that other players can tell what character you are playing. The music in the game is pretty good and it is easy to follow along with, but you might want to turn the volume down a bit for some of the dialogue.
As far as the controls go, you should be able to use the arrow keys to move through the menus and see where things are on the screen although if you go to and download their save editor, you will be able to totally configure the controls. Some parts of the menu screens are more complex than others. There are also buttons that will allow you to add on to the game by buying more items and skills for your character.